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Stay Connected with us
Stay Connected with us
©2015 Victorious Life Ministries. All Rights Reserved. Site Designed by Faith House Design Group.
Dear Pastor or Coordinator,
Thank you so much for your interest in booking a speaking engagement. Victorious Life Ministries seeks to be a blessing to your ministry. We appreciate your trust and greatly value working beside you to advance the Kingdom of God. We look forward to partnering with you for a mighty move of God!
Victorious Life Ministries respectfully requests that a love offering be collected or an honorarium be established in advance. We ask that all checks be made payable to "Victorious Life Ministries Inc." This act of generosity ensures that Evangelist Shirley can continue to spread the Gospel world wide. Victorious Life Ministries seeks to do everything with honesty and integrity. Thank you in advance for your generous contribution. Your giving changes lives!
If travel is needed, Victorious Life Ministries respectfully request that all travel arrangements be made in advance. This includes fully funding all flights, hotel stays, and transportation accommodations that may be needed upon arrival. Thank you for allowing us to partner with you to make a difference!